Arya Samaj Marriage In Jodhpur
Arya samaj mandir marriage in a Jodhpur is a simple process, as opposed to the traditional process of going through the local customary laws. This is because in India, according to Ayurveda, it is believed that a marriage should be done with the full knowledge and consent of both partners.
Arya Samaj marriage in Jodhpur is considered to be traditional and quite common. People like their families and friends, along with the members of their wedding party, gather outside the courthouse for the wedding. In this ceremony family members come to the court ground and 3 witnesses come together.
Both the man and the woman have to appear before the judge for the marriage ceremony. There are witnesses present for the marriage ceremony, during which time they give their testimonies. The judge then makes his decision after hearing both the testimonies. Once he makes his final decision the couple is legally married. The marriage certificate is also given to the couple. If u need any lawyers for the help in your all the legal documentation so you will contact to my company.
Benefits Of Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage
It is economical and a simpler process. It saves the huge expenses of wedding rituals and ceremonies. The parties to the marriage get the option of solemnizing the marriage in any way they want. It ensures the consent of both parties. Court marriage is the cheapest way of marriage. Through court marriage, you can marry a bride As desired, even if the family does not support you. You also save your precious time.
Please call at +91 97117 57779 for arya samaj mandir in Jodhpur, arya samaj marriage in Jodhpur, same day court marriage in Jodhpur, tatkal court marriage in Jodhpur, same day marriage registration in Jodhpur, Court Marriage Registration in Jodhpur.
Required Documents For Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage
- Application form in the set format.
- Date of Birth Proof for verifying Age of both the Persons.
- Residential Proof of both the Persons. ( Like Passport / Ration Card / Driving License /Voter Card /Bank Passbook / Lease Agreement/ Rent Agreement)
- Passport size photographs for both the marrying persons.
- Residential proof and Pan card of three witnesses.
- Divorce Certification, if any of the partners is a divorcee.
- Death Certificate of the Spouse, if any of the partners is a widow.
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